2024-2025 Collection and Submission Guidelines for Johne’s PCR Testing

Sample Quantity Sample container Storage/transport temp Turn Around Time
Solid feces >5 grams (a full finger of a glove) Clean snap cap container, ziploc bag or sleeve with 2 knots; CLEARLY labeled with animal ID and sample number -Refrigerated for up to 2 weeks.

-Ship on cold packs.

Busy season (fall/winter): <15 days


Off season: timelines posted on website

Liquid feces 1-2 ml
**Less than required quantities, poor sample containers (whirl-paks, glass, grocery bags, etc), frozen samples or those contaminated with soaps or oils are poor samples and will result in testing delays, suboptimal quality of results or the inability to perform the test. See images below for appropriately labeled samples.

 Before Sending To the Lab:

  • Each fecal sample must be properly and clearly labeled with consecutive sample numbers (starting at 1) and animal ID.
  • Complete the Herd PCR Submission Form and Sample Identification Form found at https://www.vdl.ndsu.edu/forms/.
  • Email a typed Sample Identification form with sample numbers and animal identification to ndsu.vetlab@ndsu.edu.
    • Submit separate species on different forms.
    • Use one sample identification form for samples you wish to have pooled.
      • Submissions of >5 samples will be pooled unless otherwise requested.
      • All pooling occurs at the laboratory. Pool 1 includes samples #1-5, Pool 2 samples #6-10, etc.
      • Samples are pooled/tested in the order written on the sample ID form. We cannot accommodate custom pooling requests so please group animals in the order you want tested.
    • Use a separate sample identification form for samples that need to be tested individually.
    • We appreciate an emailed notice when a case >50 samples are being sent.
  • Enclose the completed Herd Serology/PCR Submission Form.
    • If sending 1 case in multiple boxes over multiple days, please indicate on the submission form.
  • Send one Johne’s herd case per box to avoid contamination.
  • An extra fee may be applied for samples that are not labeled with the sample number.
  • DO NOT save multiple herd cases and mail all at one This creates a bottleneck and can cause delays. However, please DO wait until a large herd is complete before sending, even if it takes a couple days.
  • Call the laboratory at 701-231-8307 with any questions.

Revised 08-2024

Printable version available here.